Comprehensive Care Services

Our Services


AcuGraph is an energy measurement system built upon the historic principles which was pioneered over 60 years ago in Japan. AcuGraph measures electrical skin resistance, using a tiny voltage you can’t even feel. The measurements are captured, digitized, and interpreted by our advanced, patented software algorithms to provide unparalleled accuracy and insight.

Bio-Cleanse Detox

The module delivers an electric current into the water in the foot tub. This low-level current causes metal within the array and the water and salt of the foot bath to generate negative and positively charged ions. The negative ions move through the body to attach to toxic substances with an opposite charge. Most toxins in our bodies have a positive charge so they are neutralized and then pulled out of the body through osmosis due to their attraction to the ion field in the spa water.

PEMF and Bemer Therapy

Experience the benefits of Pulse Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF). This therapy enhances the permeability of your cells, allowing for an increased exchange of nutrients and wats, thereby improving the capacity of your cells to promote overall health and healing in the body.

Our Bemer Therapy enhances local blood circulation and stimulates muscles for optimal health. Remember, the importance of oxygen utilization is vital for preventing chronic diseases and aging.

Chiropractic Care

Finally, discover the benefits of Chiropractic Care. Our skilled practitioners manage various conditions affecting the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, providing relief from muscle, bone, or joint pain.


Explore our selection of supplements-carefully chosen to complement your well-being journey.

Infrared Sauna

Unlike traditional saunas, which heat the air and then the body, infrared saunas emit infrared light that penetrates deep into the skin, warming the body from the inside out. This deep penetration allows for a more efficient and effective heating process. Once the body absorbs the infrared light, it stimulates the sweat glands, leading to perspiration. This sweat helps to detoxify the body by eliminating toxins and impurities through the skin. Sweating induced by the infrared sauna helps to flush out toxins and heavy metals from the body, promoting overall detoxification and purification of the skin. The deep heat generated by infrared saunas can help alleviate muscle and joint pain, reduce inflammation, and promote faster recovery from exercise or injury. The gentle warmth of an infrared sauna promotes relaxation by increasing circulation and releasing endorphins, the body’s natural mood-enhancing hormones, which can help reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall mood. The heat from the infrared sauna dilates blood vessels, leading to increased blood flow and improved circulation; this can benefit cardiovascular health, promote better nutrient delivery to tissues, and aid muscle recovery.


VibraBoard utilizes whole-body vibration technology to stimulate muscle contractions throughout the body. When you lie down on the VibraBoard platform, the vibrations generated by the machine transmit energy to your body. The rhythmic muscle contractions induced by VibraBoard promote increased blood flow and circulation, which can help deliver oxygen and nutrients more efficiently to tissues and aid in removing metabolic waste products, promoting overall cardiovascular health. VibraBoard can be part of a recovery routine to help reduce muscle soreness, stiffness, and fatigue following intense exercise or physical activity. The gentle vibrations can help relax muscles, promote lymphatic drainage, and accelerate repair and recovery.


A BEMER machine utilizes pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy to enhance circulation and promote well-being. These devices emit low-frequency electromagnetic waves believed to stimulate the body’s natural processes, particularly those related to circulation and cellular metabolism. BEMER therapy has significantly enhanced microcirculation, leading to better blood flow and nutrient delivery to tissues. This can benefit various aspects of health, including cardiovascular function, wound healing, and overall vitality. BEMER therapy promotes relaxation and stress reduction by supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms and enhancing overall well-being. By improving circulation to the brain and reducing inflammation, BEMER therapy can help promote mental clarity, focus, and emotional balance.

rTMS or Crown Therapy

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, commonly called Crown Therapy, is a non-invasive neuromodulation technique that uses magnetic fields to stimulate specific brain areas. During a Crown Therapy session, the device is placed over the scalp, targeting particular regions of the brain associated with mood regulation, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The device emits magnetic pulses that penetrate the skull and induce electrical currents in the underlying brain tissue. Crown Therapy offers a non-invasive and practical approach to neuromodulation, with potential benefits for depression, anxiety, chronic pain, cognitive function, and overall mental well-being.

Functional Labs

Functional Labs are specialized diagnostic tests to assess physiological function, biochemical balance, and overall health status. Unlike conventional medical tests, which focus primarily on diagnosing disease pathology, Functional Labs aims to identify underlying imbalances and dysfunctions that may contribute to chronic health issues and suboptimal well-being. Results from Functional Labs are interpreted in the context of each individual’s unique health history, symptoms, lifestyle factors, and genetic predispositions. This personalized approach allows healthcare providers to identify underlying imbalances and tailor targeted interventions to address specific health concerns.

O3 Ozone Restore Injections

Ozone (O3) Restore injections involve the administration of medical-grade ozone gas into the body via injection. Ozone is a naturally occurring gas composed of three oxygen atoms (O3) with powerful oxidative properties. Ozone can stimulate various biological processes and promote healing and regeneration when introduced into the body. Ozone (O3) Restore injections offer a powerful and versatile therapeutic approach to promoting healing, reducing pain, boosting immune function, and enhancing overall health and well-being. Whether used for pain management, immune support, detoxification, or anti-aging purposes, ozone therapy provides a safe and effective option for individuals seeking natural and holistic health solutions.

Functional Nutrition / Functional Medicine

Functional Nutrition and Functional Medicine are holistic approaches to healthcare that focus on identifying and addressing the root causes of disease and imbalances in the body. These disciplines recognize that symptoms are often manifestations of underlying dysfunctions and seek to restore balance and optimize function through personalized, integrative, and evidence-based approaches. Functional Nutrition/Functional Medicine empowers individuals to take an active role in their health and well-being by providing education, resources, and support. By fostering a collaborative relationship between healthcare providers and patients, Functional Nutrition/Functional Medicine encourages self-care, informed decision-making, and lifestyle changes that promote optimal health outcomes.

NobleRx Vibration Plate

The NobleRx Vibration Plate offers a convenient and effective way to stimulate muscle activity and improve strength, flexibility, circulation, and overall health and fitness. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, lose weight, improve bone density, or enhance recovery.

Spinal Touch

Spinal Touch Treatment offers a gentle and practical approach to promoting spinal alignment, nervous system function, and overall health and well-being. During a Spinal Touch Treatment session, the practitioner uses a light touch to palpate and assess the spine’s alignment. By gently feeling for areas of tension, restriction, or misalignment, the practitioner can identify areas of dysfunction and determine the appropriate course of treatment. Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, improved posture, enhanced mobility, or simply looking to support your body’s natural healing processes

Cranial / TMJ Therapy

Cranial/TMJ Therapy encompasses various techniques to assess and address dysfunctions in the cranial bones, temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and associated structures. This therapy focuses on restoring proper alignment, mobility, and function to the cranial bones and TMJ, which can affect overall health and well-being. Cranial/TMJ Therapy offers a gentle and practical approach to addressing TMJ disorders, cranial misalignments, headaches, and facial pain. This therapy promotes pain relief, improved jaw function, headache relief, stress reduction, and enhanced overall well-being by restoring proper alignment, mobility, and function to the cranial bones and TMJ.

UV IV Therapy

Ozone and Ultraviolet Light are two separate therapies that we combine into one IV treatments to get maximum results. Ozone is 03. The third oxygen atom of ozone makes it extremely reactive, readily attaching itself to other molecules. When contaminants such as bacteria or viruses make contact with ozone, it creates a minuscule hole in the cell wall. After the ozone breaches the cell wall, the bacteria will be unable to survive. This process is called “oxidation.” Once used, ozone reverts to oxygen, making it a very environmentally friendly oxidant. It is very similar to oxygen (O2) with an extra atom. In nature, ozone is created from the sun’s UV rays and lightning.

Ultraviolet light gives photonic energy and “deep cleans”. Both ozone and UBI have an effect on cells, tissues, and organs. They are synergistic and do very similar things, but together the research indicates a 20-30% increase in effectiveness. This is why we choose to use the two modes together as one treatment


LiveO2 works by placing users into a respiratory state where they would obtain four times more oxygen than they would normally receive without it. This hyper-oxygenation system sends oxygen to the user’s body cells that not only turns into fermentation that energy needs but triggers the anti-inflammatory response in the body. This process activates the restorative and healing responses in the body. Giving your body the oxygen that it needs comes with a range of benefits, such as decreases inflammation, improves athletic performance and endurance, supports the recovery process, eliminates waste from the body, increases white blood cell count to help you fight off illnesses, and enhances metabolic energy

Theta Chamber

The Theta Chamber is a cutting-edge, FDA-cleared modality designed to improve brain function and address a range of neurological conditions. The Theta Chamber can affect the neural networks and neurochemistry of the brain, promoting normal function and helping to create new neural pathways. This therapy can be particularly effective for those struggling with addiction, anxiety, depression, concussions, or other mental health issues. It can also help with insomnia, fear, fibromyalgia, ADD. ADHD and learning enhancement.

Red Light Therapy

Red-Light Therapy is known for strengthening cell mitochondria for increased energy and cellular repair. Studies from the past 20 years suggest that RLT may help promote wound healing and tissue repair, reduce some cancer treatment side effects such as oral mucositis, radiation dermatitis, and lymphedema. Improve hair growth in people with alopecia, help with carpal tunnel syndrome in the short term, improve neural function, improve cognition and memory for, improve skin complexion and build collagen to diminish wrinkles, and relieve pain and inflammation.

Chi Infrared Hot-House

Nestled in the gentle embrace of our Infrared Hot-House, you’ll experience the magic of healing frequencies. This remarkable technology emits a gentle, invisible warmth that deeply penetrates, harmonizing with your body’s natural heat generation. The benefits are known to be supportive for various health conditions and overall well-being. The Chi Machine was invented and developed in Japan in the late 1980s. The Chi machine produces a set speed of motion at around 144 cycles per minute, creating a rhythmic, wave-like motion. The machine massages the internal organs through its consistent motion. The rocking movement, coupled with the gravitational angle of the ankles, promotes increased oxygenation of the blood, and improves lymphatic drainage, which normalizes cerebral spinal flow.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, the air pressure is increased 2 to 3 times higher than normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather much more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure. This extra oxygen helps fight bacteria. It also triggers the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing. There are many studies that show how hyperbaric oxygen chambers are good for a multitude of issues such as helping keep healthy blood cells, burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, gangrene, skin wounds, radiation injuries, anemia, trauma, migraines, sport injuries, strokes, and more.

Reflexology and Massage Therapy

Indulge in the therapeutic benefits of Reflexology, by applying pressure to your feet and hands. benefits of reflexology include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increase energy, boost circulation, induce a deep state of relaxation, eliminate toxins, stimulate the central nervous system, prevent migraines, clean up urinary tract conditions, speed up recovery after injury or surgery, help relieve sleep disorders, reduce depression, and relieve pain.

Our Massage Therapy not only provides relaxation but offers lasting relief from physical pain, stress, and anxiety. Massage has been shown to improve circulation, decreased muscle stiffness, decreased joint inflammation, better quality of sleep, quicker recovery between workouts, improved flexibility, less pain and soreness, strengthened immune response, improved relaxation, improved mood, decreased anxiety, and an Increase feeling of wellness.

IV Therapy

IV therapy is less than a century old. Yet, it was known that medications could be injected into a vein as early as the 1600s. IV Therapy offers efficient nutrient delivery directly into your bloodstream. This means faster absorption, immediate benefits, and a revitalized you. From enhanced energy levels and improved immune function, to the promotion of skin radiance and faster recovery from fatigue. IV Therapy is designed to invigorate your body from the inside out. We have a verity of different IVs to help the body be in the right position to heal itself.

Mark Kennington

DC, M.S.

Dr. Mark Kennington is a distinguished chiropractor with a master’s degree in functional nutrition. He possesses an unwavering passion for improving the lives of his numerous patients with varying lifestyles. As a dedicated practitioner specializing in functional nutrition, Dr. Kennington has collaborated with notable figures like Miss America contestants, professional basketball and soccer players, college football players, college volleyball players, and even celebrities seeking cameo appearances. Through his commitment to a personalized approach to nutrition and exercises, he has consistently facilitated the attainment of their health and wellness objectives, whether it pertains to enhancing athletic performance, managing chronic health conditions, or fostering a sense of optimal well-being.

Natalie Fuss


Natalie Fuss is a Naturopathic Doctor, born at Mountain Home, Idaho AFB. In 1983 Natalie joined the US Air Force and went into electronics, it was there that Natalie met her husband, Jeff Fuss. Along with raising children and a few animals, Natalie enjoyed racing horses. Natalie joined the Country Health team in 2008, working with Dr. Klassen, attending education classes in nutrition, health and natural healing. Natalie received her Doctor of Naturopathy from Kingdom College of Natural Health in 2018.

Randy Vawdrey


Randy Vawdrey grew up in the Salt Lake City, Utah area where he was active in athletics, student leadership and family. He attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in nursing science. He has served as the COO of Physicians Immediate Care Center since 2005. Randy joined the team at Country Health in 2018. He has helped to balance the integrative health and wellness in the Country Health Clinic. Integrative Health and Wellness is an alternative practice and approach to combine conventional medicine with complementary and alternative practices for the purpose of optimizing health. Randy has a great understanding of the nature of health and healing and takes into consideration the whole-body healing approach. When not working, Randy enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife LaChere and five children. He is actively involved in his church and other community based engagements.

Kristine Burgemeister


Dr. Klassen’s daughter, owner of Country Health Clinic. Nutrition and health are a passion. Watching people become healthier, improving their lifestyle, and gaining an understanding of health, diet and nutrition is a rewarding part of her life. Kristine enjoys spending time with her husband, Kevin and their children and grandchildren.

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